❓ How to Play?

The simplest explanation for the Pandora crew about the "Up & Down" game

👉 https://app.pandorafi.xyz/games/up-and-down

Playing Pandora Finance's Up & Down game lets you test your foresight to earn rewards. Use your market knowledge or gut feeling to predict if the SUIUSDT price will go up or down in the near future. Get it right and you’ll collect a share of the round’s prize pool!

Switch between two prediction markets

Pandora Finance offers 2 separate prediction markets for every player to choose from. You can play based on the SUIUSDT price, predicting with $SUI or $SCB.

Making a prediction for the next round

The Prediction page shows quite a bit of information. Predictions operate in 20-minute rounds. Make your prediction before a round goes live to join in.

Checking the timer

To enter a round of Prediction, you'll want to check how long is left in the current round. You'll find the timer in the top-left area.

If the timer is too low your prediction may not be confirmed in time, so check there's still plenty of time left before you make a prediction (30 seconds should be plenty, but give yourself more time if you're following along with this guide).

Predicting the next round

When you're sure you have enough time, you can place your prediction for the next round.

1. In the "Next" section you'll see a green Enter UP button and a red Enter DOWN button. Click Enter UP if you want to predict a rise in price, and click Enter DOWN if you want to predict a drop in price.

Each will have a different payout. The payout will change over time as the "Prize Pool" increases depending on people's predictions. The Prize Pool is shown just above the buttons.

We'll choose Enter DOWN for this example.

2. A new window will open. In this window, you'll see "Commit" to commit SUI or SCB for your prediction. Type the number of tokens you would like to commit to your prediction for this round in the field. You can also click the percent buttons if you prefer.

*Remember that you won't be able to remove or change your position once you enter it.

3. Once you've decided on the amount to commit, click Confirm and confirm your action in your wallet.

The confirm button will fade out as your transaction is confirmed. This short wait is why we checked the round timer earlier to make sure we would have time to make our prediction.

4. After your transaction is confirmed, you will see the round tab showing your predictions and volume.

There's nothing left to do now but wait for your Prediction round to go live.

While your entered round is live

A live round will last for 20 minutes. You can watch the price update during the 20 minutes if you'd like.

You cannot change your prediction during a live round, however. You are locked into your prediction from earlier.

Once your entered round finishes

After 5/10 minutes as the live round, your entered round will finish. Everything is automatic, so there's nothing you need to do to end the round.

Seeing the results

1. As the 20 minutes finish, the "LIVE" section will change to "Calculating". Calculating the results only takes a moment.

2. After a short wait, the finished round will move left and say "Expired". The result of the round will display with either UP colored in green, or DOWN colored in red.

3. If you've been busy and missed the results, you can scroll back a few rounds by clicking the left arrow on the tab below

Collecting any winnings

1. If you won your entered round, you can claim your winnings at the top right of the page.

2. A new window will appear showing the amount of winnings you can collect with a Confirm button. Click the button and confirm the action in your wallet.

Last updated